Prof. Satheesan Kochicheril

and his mission for Pure Reason

At a time when religions have become battlefields, Prof. Satheesan Kochicheril is on a mission to emancipate mankind by showing it its pure reason that will bring happiness and harmony in this world. In the introduction to his website he writes:

Twenty-first century has arrived. People all over the world celebrated the arrival of the new millennium. We have improved all our inventions. But, religions still spread violence and destruction. In Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Ireland, Africa .... everywhere. Religions are controlled by mediocrity. The prophets were enlightened, but not the religions.

God is not a product of any religion, neither is spirituality. Even now, ignorance is supported by the educated. Ignorance is armed with weapons and money. Ignorance is supported by governments. This is quite tragic. The main reason for this is the conditioning of the human mind by the vested interests that stand for power and authority. They behave as if they have the right to tell lies because they believe that stories are very much part of spirituality. The time has come to liberate the world from ignorance, and hatred. All these stories of births and deaths were made to conquer the world, and not to upgrade consciousness."

The concept of Pure Reason developed as a result of the meditation he began practicing from 1982 onwards. "My interest in meditation was prompted by the observation of Arnold Toynbee, the British historian, that the greatest contribution of India to the world was meditation....

The ideas that came to the mind ever since were written down. In due course it developed as Pure Reason. I knew that the prophets were prompted by the same holistic rationalism of the soul, the part of the mind that is free of the reductionistic rationalism of the society. The prophets called it the Truth, and anything that is not Truth is untruth. Even our man-made laws." he says.

Prof. Satheesan, 58, hails from Kerala, India. Kochicheril is his father's family name. He did his B.Sc. in Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla, in 1964, and his M.A. in B.R. College, Agra, in 1967.

He started teaching at S.N.College, Cherthala, in 1967. He entered Govt. service in 1971 and for 12 years he was at Govt. Women's College, and then at University College, Thiruvananthapuram. He retired from Govt. Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram, in 1998.

He was a member of the Board of Examiners, and also a member of the Board of Studies (M.A. English Literature), University of Kerala.

After retirement, he moved temporarily to Charlottesville, U.S.A. Having lived there for more than two years he is going back to Kerala for starting a Center for Pure Reason, and also for getting leisure to write more on the topic. The 'Introduction' page of his site was translated into German by Dr. Rainer Taeni, somewhat of a celebrity in Germany in the '70s. Dr. Rainer lives in Australia, and has developed 'Creative Refocussing', a technique designed to uncover the Truth for bringing back LOVE into life. The technique is based on Pure Reason, man's inherent sensibility. Since 1983, he has been conducting workshops in Germany, Russia, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and New South Wales, Australia.

The concept of Pure Reason is being expressed at present as a reaction to the violence against life that is spreading everywhere in the name of religion, religious factions, races, and also many modern systems that tamper with the essential sensibility of the human mind that is inherently attuned to the Truth. He writes in "The Truth is the perennial source of knowledge existing in the Universe. It has a very strong moral system, and that moral system is being neglected in the march of our civilizations. The Truth is essential to the culture of the mind, for its happiness, and observance of it is very essential for the sanity and sanctity of the human mind.

All over the world we see at present the expression of civilized brutality, and the support for reductionistic rationalism. Negative forces are armed with money and weapons. The links to consciousness, even the so called expressions of culture, are controlled by these negative forces. Neighbors who have been living peacefully become enemies all on a sudden due to the preaching of war maniacs. This is true of many countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Elsewhere, to some, the neighbor is the child in the womb. The conquest is that of the culture by the marching civilization."

The aim of is to highlight the evils that destroy the sanctity and sanity of life on this planet.
Visit his site, and support his noble venture.

This article is an adaptation from a report published in in Oct' 2000

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