A commitment to a "Responsible Humanism" along with action inspired by love will pave the way into a healthy and peaceful future When man ceases to be determined by his own spirit - which is the spirit of Life itself -, subjecting his will to secondary interests such as money, power etc., - from that moment on he begins to turn into a machine, a robot controlled by alien forces SURVEY
of my
Ideas By
protecting the covetous Issues of the Mightiest the
UN Security Council jointly with the Instruments of
National Security undermines Global
Peace. Solidarity
of all, a global and joint orientation on the
properties of genuine humanity only will give Peace
and Well-Being. A
- Liberation Towards Humaneness Aiming
towards Life in Peace and Creative Conviviality
this three-lingual initiative since 1999 pursues a
double-fold strategy to get across to ever more
people that realisation of this goal is the
completely natural purpose in life. When
dealing with mental as well as emotional frames
the challenge for all of us is huge as we need
to transcend the existing limitations of
awareness and accept new findings. Positive
flexibility is hot! Aiming further and deeper
towards the common ground of life we re-define
conventional concepts, we liberate deadlocked
positions and mobilise our forces on the
foundations of authentic perception and
understanding. -
The second strategy is to set free the synergy
of human potential through enlightening dialogue
in email exchange of ideas, in internet
discussions and in personal meetings. This way
further options are provided. A creative quality
of awareness within a growing number of people
is to be achieved to get the necessary
organisational transformations done. This can
re-design global governance for the benefit of
world-wide fulfilment of local vital
necessities. It
is normal people like us who have to stop
corporate governance and national security
doctrines from jeopardising existence of Life.
Any new idea or feeling which aim towards a more
comprehensive state of being (existence) needs
to be accepted and adopted by any organism.
Continued existence is dependent on
transformation and flexibility. In Nature the
transition from competition towards cooperation,
for example, proves the transcendence of
short-range defence mechanisms for the sake of
wider collaboration. Finally, this indeed is a
conservative strategy, a tolerant defence
mechanism which simultaneously is open for the
new and which at the same time is immune against
any man made ideology or dogma. The
task today is to create conditions by which nobody
exploits the other least of all systematically
because life is automatically determined by itself.
Moreover, due to the dissonant mental
superstructure or misleading emotional frame of
reference most of the people are being kept
alienated from themselves and their genuine needs
to such an extent that they perceive their being
exploited as given by "God" or by "natural" fate.
Politics and economy pseudo-religiously seem to
have the power of life and death. When
life is determined by these systems emancipation
from such parochial conditions is unthinkable and
not at all desired by its beneficiaries. Repeatedly
it is said: "There is no alternative!" ... Those
who believe it remain to be slaves....
patriarchal and capitalistic systems are the
problem. The organs of their belief systems that
consist of their clerical & political elites
parasitically take advantage by means of their
doctrines again and again, moreover they manage to
make people slaves of their own mind. It does not
need slave-drivers any more as Kurt Tucholsky
already said. That is why those in power believe in
their clean records while fiercely and violently
propagating dogmatic tradition, entailing trails of
blood. No matter how destructive their effects -
they seem and pretend to be innocent while they
convict "fate and others". People
who do not believe in what is told are looking for
alternatives, for ways out of the killing scenario
of global politics. As positive thinking alone will
not help, alternatives are to be brought to the
table, they have to be discussed, understood and
conceived in detail. After consent finding they
have to be implemented. Therefore we need a
political consciousness which beyond any
presumptuousness, beyond illusionary superiority
and beyond elitist exclusivity serves a Common
Identity of Life. This
common identity is the socio-biological driving
force of a humane behaviour which will overcome the
loneliness of individualism, the destructive
consequences of mental disorientation, and which
will lead to sustainable ways of organisation of
global society embedded in a Culture of Peace
entailing Common Prosperity. Such
an integrating evolutionary perspective is coherent
with the experience of many traditions and authors.
Already Aristotle discerned economy, the good
way to organise society and crematistics, the
way to gain profit. The latter today by
globalisation exclusively is being regarded to
represent economy, what a fateful
error! -
In her books and papers the political scientist
Claudia von Werlhof reveals
patriarchal-monotheistic-capitalistic societies
as war systems which place partial concerns
beyond the common needs of life. Disregard and
ignorance concerning satisfaction of primary and
genuine needs consequently entail the emmergence
of secondary forces which lead to bondage within
the most multifarious dependencies of greed and
addiction. -
The neurologist Sergej Petrovich Semenov, the
philologist Satheesan Kochicheril and others
focus on the general pre-eminence of commodities
or mental products which this civilisation
regards as superior, more valuable than genuine
life, though they destroy life. Public good, the
global commons, is being exploited ruthlessly by
a few. -
Several authors like Bernd Senf, Helmut Creutz,
Bernhard Lietaer or Michael Ende clarify madness
and systematic injustice of a money-system which
pretends to multiply money by itself while in
reality there is a reallocation driven by
interest. Those who already hold a lot acrue
exponentially growing sums of compounded
interest from those who merciless remain without
chances. Money is supposed to be common property
which develops harmful effects to public good
only when being mandatorily controlled by
private banks. As long as people let that happen
they pay for it. Moreover they fatally are
responsible for respective
effects. -
UN Special Correspondent Jean Ziegler in his
books and speeches exposes the murderous
character of politics driven by global
corporations. Each day 100.000 people starve to
death. Jean Ziegler: "Today any starving child
is murdered." -
In their books and papers the neurologists Iwan
Petrovich Pawlow and Franz Andreas Völgyesi
describe the genetic-neuronal-mental
self-regulation of organisms up to the human
being. In detail they refer to the mutilating
potentials which, while being produced by
suggestive information of patronising
institutions and organisations, interfere with
the life of the individual thus having effect on
the quality of life of entire societies. Their
analysis and experience simultaneously reveal
approaches towards solutions in order to avoid
dysfunction or disorganisation and to make use
of inherent life-supporting possibilities of the
organism for the sake of a general
well-being. -
In addition to the well known James DeMeo's
Saharasia-thesis which describes geological
transformations and their respective
consequences for social existence the
psychoanalyst Arno Gruen in his books and
lectures gives us a decisively important key to
understand the development of systemic violence
against all and everything. According to Gruen's
experience the growth of destructive
potentiality, of hopelessness and lack of
security which culminate in the erroneous
promises of a permanent war against
terror" refers to a general loss of reality and
orientation of society. -
Above all, the growing precariousness and fear
is discussed by the primal-therapist and
philosopher Rainer Taëni. Both mental
states determine human behaviour. They seem to
be natural although in reality they are mere
consequences of conduct within parasitic
societies. Here illusions fuel an emotional
drive which is exploited by the elites of
economy, politics and churches while accepting
even more destructive consequences. These
relations are being unfolded in his book
The Taboo of Fear and Liberation".
more extensively society or culture by education
and conditioning encroaches childhood evolution of
their descendants to impose their prefabricated
orders and orientation upon their children without
alternative (structural corruption) the more
widespread will be this loss of reality to the
members. All issues existing beyond a given
ideology or religion tend to remain excluded and to
be separated. Life however is dependent on fair
balance and integrity. Abundance of life has its
source in a generative order. This underlying order
and orientation is of cosmic - not of human origin.
Man-made laws are the source of self-destruction of
the human race and its environment when they
exclude and prevent individual autonomy,
development of personal as well as social
responsibility, self-assuredness and
self-realisation. The
discovery of abundance of life for any child is
violently impeded if social tradition limits the
naturally "possible and given" to what is
respectively "desired, imagined, normal". If the
parents/society in an effort to maintain the status
quo repress the authentic experience and coherence
of the adolescent by menace or violence the growing
children are forced to replace their innate reality
and possibility for the benefit of the system's
arbitrary presets. This denegation of authenticity
is utmost painful and it violates neuronal
facilitations within the developing brain.
Respective scars interfere with the ripening of
empathetic humanity and even make it impossible.
This psychic mutilation of each new generation has
been responsible for the continuity of hatred and
violence in the society. Unmistakable safety of the
seminal feelings of joy and pain in terms of
increasing pleasures and avoiding distress is being
lost. Life
at the higher rung of development is dependent on
love. Newborns rely on natural continuity; safety
provides dependability and warming love in order to
maintain a life-long openness to be curiously and
empathetically geared to the challenges of Life. As
long as vital prerequisites are not acknowledged,
maintained and handed onward by culture, other
issues that are superficial to life get more
importance leading to the flat denial of natural
reality to the members of that society.
Simultaneously illusion is being raised which
ostensibly seems to support existing systems though
in reality it threatens all of us by nurturing
violence and brutalisation that lead directly into
barbarity. Politics within such systems is a
politics of illusion although claiming to be
"realpolitik". Illusions are fatal effects of
ideology as, whatever the idealism, any ideology is
based upon totalitarian, fascist, transfigured
ideas of 'pure blood', 'chosen people', and racial
or religious supremacy. "Realpolitik" is a politics
which is driven by extremely narrowed ideological
perspectives only, the perspectives of ignorance,
subordinating power, dominance and
profit. To
overcome traditional politics (Realpolitik) and its
lethal outcome Creative Realism of people is needed
who realise in global fortune also their own
purpose in life. By serving common needs, by their
service to the common well being and by accepting
the challenges of everyday cooperation they
guarantee a Safe World which is the Testimony of
their Integrity. Lobbyists, their Public Relation
Machineries and Lies cannot harm any longer.
Politicians are disused, nobody any more needs such
onesided politics. The Churches in many cases put
themselves offside by their ivory-tower and often
openly hostile attitude and practice, by
chatting-up to the mighty and by moral corruptness.
People who ask questions, who have already begun to
question their life and their belief systems
deserve better help than the help of systems that
conform clerics, politicians, therapists etc.
Nobody needs all those who teach the false message
about subordination under the rule of the elites
and their destructive and parasitic traditions.
Such messages made war to be an economical issue, a
service of private military industries, a normality
which destroys democracy and peace. War has nothing
in common with solution of conflicts or
safeguarding peace - any contrary statements are
intentional deceptions and elements of the crime of
public incitement of the people. Safeguarding
of survival however is the issue of governments of
people for people, of governments and
administrations which are characterised by
responsible humanity. Therefore
we need people who are capable to lead their fellow
human beings closer towards innate autonomy which
is shared by all life - not in detail of course but
in general regarding identical needs which enable a
creative life embedded within the texture of
Nature. We
here and now make security and peace come true as
soon as we human beings recognize ourselves to be
the redeemers from historically created causalities
and conditions which cause hell on Earth, and as
soon as we start to act and behave accordingly. We
need an uprising of probity and humanity against a
socio-political normality which degenerated into
lunacy. Everybody is responsible even when one's
power has been democratically conferred beforehand.
As we live to see on a daily basis controlling
function of separation of powers demonstrably
fails. Constitutional law advocates and scientists
since long prove the intrigues of power in the
leading world democracies. The state increasingly
becomes totalitarian. The transparent citizen is
the totalitarian system's favourite, a citizen
predictably to be managed like a machine, a robot.
Anybody who is against the system automatically
becomes a suspect, a terrorist according to
homeland security mania and patriot legislature.
Constitutions are being re-interpreted, even
rewritten according to the needs of the
totalitarian system against the very autonomy of
the original sovereign: the citizen. Exactly
that is why according to the rule of solidarity and
humanity moral courage is a supreme civic duty. A
forthcoming European Constitution must be shaped by
genuine democratic and peaceful ideas - never by
the illusion of never ending growth on the part of
the industrial-military complex. That is why many
people say NO to the current draft constitution. A
majority says NO to any war. We world-citizens are
responsible! Our first ethical obligation is
peace. As
humanity wishes to survive every individual must
free from delusion in order to serve reality. All
of us, each individual regardless of which colour
or origin should do one's utmost to cope with the
everyday challenges. By means of such a perspective
we get away from reproach and liberate from issues
and goals of the resigning paradigm of hypocrisy.
Thus we can start to act for the purpose of genuine
solutions. The natural miracle hereby is the
emergence of a togetherness which equally supports
all: The Commonwealth of
Earth. Jointly
we make it! Global
Communion does not necessarily happen only at
Lord's Tables within Churches. Global
Communion needs to be realised in
everyday reality everywhere and at any
time. From
Local to Global all of Humanity joins in "Round
Tables for Peace" to ensure Global Safety by
safeguarding Satisfaction of Vital Spiritual as
well as Material Needs of any
Individual. B
- Paradise Shall Be - Beyond Any Ideology And
Religion - In The Center Of Everyday Reality Of
Life! Some
Sustainable Assumptions: -
Universal Existence is double-fold: Immaterial
Vibration and Material Manifestation are being
interlaced within a Matrix of Unity and
Integrity by Natural Regularity. -
Unity and Integrity consist of Inner as well as
Outer Spheres of Reality which are recognised by
Inner and Outer Experience. -
Genetic Material is the Basic Essence of the
Drive of Life. -
DNA generates Spirit and Body within the Texture
of Integrity. -
Diversity of Nature is Expression of Prodigious
Patterns of Resonance within the Matrix of
Life. -
Life is a Natural Effect of Superordinate and
Fairly Balanced Regulating
Forces. -
Interconnectedness of Life is being expressed by
Evolution. -
Male and Female emerge likewise in order to
facilitate Growing Diversity. -
Emergence of Free Intention is Expression of
Liberation from Genetic Determination and serves
the Purpose to disclose ever More Chances for
Diversity. -
To maintain Integrity of Unity in Diversity Fate
emerges as a Consequence of Freedom to make
Choices. -
Emergence of Consciousness and Awareness relies
on Authentic Learning Processes which enable to
differentiate Fatally Disadvantageous from
Wholesome Consequences to Thought and Action.
Punishment, Proscription, Accusation or
Execration originate from entirely Deficient
Human Visions and their effects are more
distracting than salutary. -
Responsibility finally is Coherence of Human
Relations within the Interdependence of
Existence. In
Fact Forgiveness is Essential but to forgive
is only the First Prerequisite of Attunement
to the Matrix of Unity and Integrity.
Redemption and Salvation also ask for
At-One-Ment. By Atonement and Reparation of
Integrity a fundamental Transition takes
place. Beyond any Exclusiveness and without
Losers Unhuman Conditions are being
transformed to Peace on Earth by Global
Justice and Humanely Joint
Conviviality. 500
years ago Martin Luther initiated Reformation
because of Aberrations of Society formed by
Catholicism. Consequently Catholic Monolithic
Institution and its Belief System were split
up into a Variety of Powerful Religious
Fragments which altogether with the Diversity
of Global Belief Systems so far neither made
Spiritual Orientation easier nor Political
Orientation safer. Far from
it! Today's
Common Task goes Beyond Reformation or
Restoration of any Belief Systems aiming
beyond the Fatality of a World which
Historically has been developed by Humanity,
aiming at a Global Renaissance and
Enlightenment which would lead
towards the Formation of an Existence which
respects Nativeness in her All-Embracing
Integrity and Unity, in her Authenticity and
Coherence. Therefore
the World needs the Transformation of Belief
Systems in General into Authentic
Understanding and real Togetherness which are
Direct Results of Unbiased and Unconditional
Experience of Life within the Natural
Learning Process. This Learning Process
simply requires: Live! Do what you want!
Experience the Consequences of Your Thought
and Action, of Your Behaviour! Look for such
Consequences which comfort, satisfy and
pacify! Love! -
Humanity's Genuine Religion is its
Self-Awareness to be One Common Destiny, in
Creative Diversity of Colours, Religions,
Cultures and Traditions still jointly confronted
with the Challenges of Life, carefully embedded
in Nature's Law and responsible to its
Unfathomable Source and
Providence. -
Genuine Responsibility Consequently expresses
Itself less by Discussions on Moral Values than
by Creative Behaviour thus to maintain the
Generative Qualities of the Community of Life
and to preserve Chances in Present and
Future. Individually
as well as concerning Social Organisation it
is the mere Self-Interest to Survive which
tells us to accept that Invitation towards a
Peaceful Existence as soon as
possible. The
Choice is free to enter the Garden of Eden or
to remain Outside. Respective
Consequences by now are Obvious and
Transparent to any Curious
Consciousness. Make
up Your Mind. It is All up to You too. One way
to help would be to spread the key ideas of
human liberation from the system's shackles
towards the autonomy of each individual. All
individuals are interconnected by One and the
same Nature. We neither need leaders nor
Think-Tanks to lead us. All the answers are
within our selves. By means of the Spirit of
Communication, intra-personally as well as
inter-personally we can experience far reaching
dialogue. By consent finding in deep respect for
one another and our respective needs as well as
for the needs of Nature we jointly can organise
our global community in ways which will maintain
the local prerequisites for a prosperous Life on
Earth. Religions
and moral NGOs of the world, unite! David
Ray Griffin "The
American Empire and the Commonwealth of God, A
Political, Economic, Religious Statement" (
) - My endeavours since years aim to imagine mental or spiritual prerequisites for a peaceful living together on a global scale and to communicate on this subject with people who are interested. Actually this is not about inventing something still unknown new". On the contrary, it is more about remembering what already had been realised within certain ancient societies and about what till today many people contrary to most of the various prevailing political orders and cultural traditions are trying to revive. It is about acknowledging and realising as far as possible an order which since ever is being provided by Nature. Read the entire text: Peaceableness & Global Justice only entail Creative Conviviality - In order to cope with or even better to overcome the current crisis of humanity a deep understanding of its roots is inevitable. Deep analysis proves that beyond the well known and broadly discussed categories of communism and capitalism their common patriarchal denomination is the problem till today. As this fact is not yet widely present in mainstream sciences a broader and interdisciplinary discussion is vitally necessary in order to find exits to the threat of self-extinction of humanity.. Read the entire text: Ways out of Misery, Decline and Despair - Building Bridges to a Harmonious Future: Thoughts and Perspectives on necessary conditions for the emergence of a peaceful Humanity - The current Paradigm-shift from Civilising towards Humanisation - In September 2008 the US-administration is willing to spend more than 1 trillion US$ of tax money to stabilise the hypocritical financial system's decline which was induced by money addicted venturers and marauders. Exactly like the financial sector also many other sectors which determine societies since long have moved into the realm of psychiatry - those "in charge" have lost their (healthy) minds. Apart from the US administration by October 2008 also the EU and Germany - instead of thinking about a change of this failing system - are ready to continue pumping ever higher amounts of the people's money into a system which since thousands of years undermines healthy ruling balances which are to sustain the planetary interconnectedness. The capitalist system as the latest and most bellicose offspring of patriarchal systems utilizes money in a way which - whatever the costs may be - is made to guarantee profit. The general needs of the global public do hardly interest neither does the integrity of nature. This systemic abuse of money is hardly being conceived by the majority of people. Consequently too many people have lost their safeguarding orientation - otherwise they would oppose to and change such dysfunctional and harmful situations. Situations which inevitably appear whenever general well being gets out of sight in favour of secondary, exclusive, egoistic, partial interests. The respective decline is no wonder, no accident at all. It is just a genuine consequence of the structural defect of the prevailing systems in which people by religion or culture are being patronized, alienated and conditioned in favour of the systems' presets like e.g. consumerism. This way people are made to act against themselves, against nature and against cosmic laws. That is why the work of humane pioneers such as Wolff and others is urgently necessary in order to create chances for a general re-focussing on reality as it has been developed by history, on reality as it is. Once facing this reality we might regain opportunities to re-pair and to ad-just what got out of creative balances. We need to spread the courage to believe in our inherent humane potentialities which we can use for the benefit of global life. Living up to this perspective will entail safety, happiness and prosperity at their best. The prove for this universal regularity is part of Milo Wolff's contribution to humanity. Read the entire text: Wave Structure of Matter - Interconnectedness of Being - Full Spectrum Responsibility, Overcoming the Immemorial Assumed Dualism with its Fatally Antagonising Implications on History - Without information and analysis of the comprehensive dimensions of a patriarchal project (1) which has lasted for more than 5000 years, the anthropological mystery will remain unresolved and the following question will remain unanswered: why are people acting against their very own interests of survival?", all of which, as a consequence, make global Holocaust increasingly likely. - Read the entire text: Ethics today must create a moral impact capable of over-hauling the political system! - Do we really want all what is being presented to us by politics day by day, or do we want something quite different? And if yes, what do we really want? Do we really want to proceed with war on terror to the bitter end of socio-ecological show-down? Do we want to annihilate human rights completely by war on the world's last resources? Do we really want to risk life in the competitive treadmills of profit-making? Do we really want to sell future by today only because public housekeeping is said to be broke and political concepts are presented without alternative? Where did all the wealth disappear? - Read the entire text: GLOBALISATION FROM INSIDE - MATURING MENTALLY - IDENTIFYING WITH VALUES OF LIFE - The systematic killing of the North American Indians, the butchering of the indigenous peoples of South America, the enslavement of black Africans, the death of millions of people in the white man's colonies, the mass-production-like killing of people by the Nazis and the hunt for the last indigenous peoples and their resources in the remaining forests of our planet are the expression of the same insanity. Continents and oceans are being looted and turned into deserts and sewers as sacrifice for this delusion. Industry eats life. Life is no longer worth anything. What else must happen before we all reject this path to global suicide? - Read the entire text: Learning to Become Humane - We imagine ourselves to be enlightened. The connection between procreation and the emergence of new life has been common knowledge for quite some time now. We also know, for instance, that as a matter of course frogs beget frogs and birds beget birds. From the fertilised egg of a dinosaur we can expect little dinosaurs to emerge, whilst from the fertilised egg of a chimpanzee a young chimp will come into being. There can be no doubt about this kind of connection, or rather: up until now there was no doubt about it. For in June of the year 2001 no less a person than the President of the Max-Planck Society made the statement that he did not consider a fertilised human egg to be human! - Read the entire text: Plea for a New Quality of Being Human - Parts of human race are suffering from a Mental Confusion Syndrome" (MCS - The Dehumanisation Syndrome), which hampers development of human identity, consequently leading to life-threatening delusions instead. This syndrome develops during the social process of learning and individual maturing in such cases where reality and Truth of world and Nature are not exactly represented within the ideas and thoughts (the concepts) of the human brain. The deficiant representation of outer reality within the inner world of the brain easily appears where individual learning is being tampered by religion, ideology or tradition which provide an education that interferes with the learning about right and wrong. - Read the entire text: Globalization from below' - Movements, Why they are not only important - they provide remedy and hope against the spreading decadence of a commercialized world - Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist who invented the atomic bomb, shaken by the catastrophes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, describes how military authorities and considerations of expediency had clandestinely invaded certain sciences and robbed them of their independence. This development spurs Oppenheimer to personal action. He draws attention to the altered quality of the new weapons of mass destruction. He attempts to initiate peace talks and to prevent the hydrogen bomb. Yet he is overtaken by historical events. In 1954 the US Atomic Energy Commission, accusing him of a lack of loyalty towards the government, cites Oppenheimer before a committee of inquiry. - Read the entire text: Nature and Civilisation, A Life -Threatening Conflict and the Way of Survival - Alienation of Humanity and Possibilities for Healing - Suffering is not easily abolished. For as long as suffering is being inflicted, those who are trying to change this, will in turn bring suffering upon the original perpetrators. To begin with, we can therefore but try to reduce the amount of suffering and guilt that is 'produced'. However, to reduce the production of suffering in society presupposes the placing of human thinking and acting into a more creative context and heading towards a more profound perception of justice. It requires the cooperation of all social forces within a new kind of political culture - a culture that is open and prepared to face new things. With this aim in mind I am presenting the following ideas. - Read the entire text: Is Religious Belief Really a Personal Matter? World View - Religion - Ideology - Politics, - About the Connection between Reason, Emotion and Religious Beliefs - It is a vision of man and woman cooperating as equals, a vision of an end to the lack of feeling that marks the patriarchal system all over the world. It is a vision of the emergence of empathy concerning the value of living together, a vision of the beginning of global cooperation. It is a vision of the end of a deadly power struggle which is still being excused with the argument that fighting for reproductive advantage were a natural animal instinct (whilst on the other hand man imagines himself as being far superior to the animals and no longer determined by Nature!). - Read the entire text: THE VISION OF WHOLENESS, A vision of Life's continuity - Environmental crisis and war, economic and political crime, the global expansion of multinational corporations, the impoverishment of ever more sections of society, regression to religious interpretations reminiscent of the Middle Ages - all these characteristics of the present do not bode well for our future. The spreading of misinformation by the political and economic establishment reveals a lack of respect for the sovereignty of the people. The widespread political tendency to favour 'inherent necessities' before the finding of fair solutions, the general denial of the effects of our way of life upon the environment as well as the vigorous defence of the status quo against any new ideas hinder the evolution of peaceful coexistence among humans. Will we fall victim to these developments or are there alternatives? Is there any hope left for us? - Read the entire text: Global Responsibility - New Orientation in Culture and Politics - Reflections on what it Means to be Human - The presentation on the SPD's (Social Democrate Party, Germany) publicity poster of indigenous tribes-men trustingly approaching their future rulers and murderers may be ever so colourful. Yet the message it conveys can only be called thoughtless and in poor taste, linked as it is to the publicity text in which the SPD compares the start of the Internet Age with the discovery of the New World by Columbus, thus reminding of an event that marked the beginning of 500 years of suffering for the indigenous people of all continents. History - not merely that of the last 5 centuries - has been founded upon torture, rape, racism - on open or subtly disguised force; and this has had a different and harsher effect esspecially upon women. - Read the entire text: Political Parties Finished - What comes Next? - The tasks of the immune system of biological organisms are threefold: 1. to recognise and contain possible dangers, 2. to defend against damage and injury, and 3. to maintain the integrity of the organism - i.e. in total, to safeguard that which we call health. The term 'health', as here understood, does not refer to a state but denotes a continuing process which may either be supported or gravely disturbed. - Read the entire text: The Social Defence-System", Our View of Humanity Decides our Future - Existence generally is determined by mental concepts and culture. Culture and ideology keep consciousness imprisoned and struck blind, if they become dogmatic and solidified in order to perpetuate themselves. Seeking to avoid their own modification by all means available, they spread fear and disheartenment. A scared consciousness is afraid from any change, also from the saving better one. Modification presupposes a consciousness, which takes variability of a condition for granted. Such a consciousness is alive and flexible and always is able to imagine alternative conditions. An open consciousness is capable of learning and of intention to find ways for further modification. - Read the entire text: EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS, Existence - Consciousness - Vision - Modification - Existence of Different Quality - Photographs of space travel present our planet as a brillant jewel in the nightly black darkness of the universe. Some of the international astronauts admitted a deeply felt love and affection in respect to that precious and fragile seeming, bright blue globe in the midst of the infinite black cold and silence. Their pictures, impressions and feelings helped us to understand earth as the living organism GAIA. Political conceptions, which still are based on out-dated patriarchal education, in consideration of all the dangers for us and future generations which cannot be put aside any longer do call for a global eco-management. - Read the entire text: SPIRITUALITY and GLOBALISATION, Prospects for a different type of social organisation - The conception of a favorable living together for humans with nature is not a romantic dream. Such a vision is realistic and proven native. The wide-spread faith in boundless progress is an illusion. Development of a culture, where sympathy and unrestricted thought determine action, which terminates the sellout of life, is a prerequisite to save our future. - Read the entire text: Which Road, please, leads to the Garden of Eden? About losing the feeling of affiliation and confidence and about how to regain a life-securing orientation. - The Dutch model of active euthanasia is spurring the guardians of morality into action. Yet instead of using the opportunity for an open debate about a humane way of dying outside the sphere of interest of the medical industry, the modern Pharisees are engaging in noisy and vehement polemics. Such a debate in the face of legalised euthanasia in Holland certainly needs to be controversial; nonetheless we should not overlook the fact that an act of compassion concerning senseless human suffering in the face of death is long overdue. Whether lethal injection towards this end should be permitted, seems questionable precisely because natural ways of dying are in many cases still being withheld. - Read the entire text: Love for Life - so far frequently just Double Standard of Morals in our Society - People who suffered from love deprivation in their childhood, from a lack of acceptance by their immediate social environment, whose lives seemed never given tangible meaning or a goal worth pursuing - people who were thus left psychologically homeless tend to compensate for this lack by seizing for guiding orientation upon anything that proclaims their own nation or race as something special. In order to imbue this ideal with extra meaning, to the extent of even using it as a justification for action, anyone foreign, or different, not coming from one's own nation or race or thinking differently, is then branded as the enemy, and will eventually be violently attacked as posing a recognisable threat to the group identified with. - Read the entire text: Alliance of Ethics and Enlightenment, Some Reflections concerning the Link between Xenophobia and the Rule of Power, as well as the option of fostering Critical and Responsible Humanitarianism through an Alliance of Ethics and Enlightenment - In view of what happened around BSE we may bury our last hopes of expecting responsibility or competence from the caste of politicians. So as to remain honest, those who have been able to retain some measure of critical judgment in the midst of all the political madness, are being forced to turn against the ruling political system. Otherwise they run the risk of being totally numbed by the political lies and, whether willingly or not, sharing the guilt of complicity in the sacrifice of Life for the benefit of Capital. - Read the entire text: BSE and Continuing Madness, Politicians and their Wrong Mandators - Only the realisation and success of social justice will prevent future wars. Social justice can however only be realised if the political will actually exists. Necessary for this is a broad political majority that is mature enough in human terms to recognise that one's own happiness should never be built on others' hardship. Social justice and peace can only be achieved if the few stop "skimming off the cream" at the expense of the vast majority. But we are a long way from this. Reality looks totally different: waging war is becoming respectable again, even in a country in which we were saying after the last catastrophe: never again war! Our search for the causes of the return to open acknowledgement of (armed) violence should not stop at the current arguments of the US administration and its followers, the "axis of deceit". - Read the entire text: War and Economy (Money), Why peace is not (yet) really wanted by a majority of politicians - The sorrow and suffering of the innocent victims of this attack and of their relatives and friends is added to the pain of all people, who have had to suffer since ages from the fact, that 'Justice', as meted out by those in power - is robbing the powerless majority of a viable future. What is really threatening civilization, the attack itself or the historically developed causes and backgrounds, which drive people into humiliation to such an extent, that it is motivating them to deadly and suicidal attacks? Have we really been confronted with a new dimension of violence on Sept. 11. 2001 or is a well known dimension only showing up at quite an unexpected location? Are not, for example, the Iraqi people suffering from daily bombardements and what else have been those two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki than acts of terror? - Read the entire text: The attack against the WTC and the Pentagon - Privatised Violence in the Service of State Terrorism is Threatening World Peace - Most of current threats - terrorism / war / poverty / famine / ecological breakdown - to name but a few are caused by lie / onesidedness / partiality / hypocrisy / double standards. These properties of political correctness are the "structural corruption" which magically makes above mentioned threats to appear allegedly as inevitable or even as natural. As of so much confusion humanity only evolves deficiently. Neither religions nor communism, atheism or any other ideology yet have succeeded in allowing mankind to become peaceful and safe. Still, peaceableness and human safety not at all are utopias - they are real premises for the survival of humanity. It is of vital importance to acknowledge being veraciously and simultaneously to be receptive for the new. This is to acknowledge actual realities while simultaneously remaining flexibly receptive and open for multifarious inherent potentialities / possibilities / capabilities. A reality which is not yet being acknowledged commonly enough is the fact, that there is virtually no substantial difference between Atheists, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews or people of other religions. Essentially too many people still are equally faithless / unreliable / untrustworthy. For it is not yet a socio-political reality that each human being, independently from origin, is honest, collaborative, highly ethical, humane, kind and considerate and equally caring for its neighbours and also for environment. Unfortunately this is not yet the case - whereas the innermost potentialities / capabilities very well are existent. As there is no coercive definition, no automation towards peaceableness it is the task / duty of each individual and certainly also of collective bodies of organisation - the cultural and political spheres of the world - to create such creative circumstances / realities which exactly serve the development of exactly those properties of true humanity. Therefore it is the challenge for humanity to create social conditions which allow the individual to mature towards the innermost autonomy which is identical within all members of the Universal Family of LIFE. For exactly it is heteronomy of any kind what drives people in following and captivity, what makes people to be mere workhorses and consumers, killing machines finally as a direct consequence of unhealthy / dysfunctional realities which are maintained by the above mentioned "structural corruption". This is the cardinal error which is inherent to the prevailing systems and which currently threatens global survival. A close look at the interrelatedness of cosmos, world and psyche offers insights and comprehensive understanding as well as means to heal and overcome misery and fatefulness. - Read the entire text: Properties of Resonance: Universal Coherence, Conceptual Modules Towards A Common Theory of Life, Evolution and Universe, A Creative Narrative on Existence - For Humanity - Concerning the topic of this year's conference: Aggravation of the Global Crisis: Catastrophe or Transformation?" I want ta talk about Resonance and Grace. I want to introduce the understanding of Resonance as being the creative principle of evolution and of Grace as being the force which wells from being in harmony with cosmic law. - Read the entire text: Resonance the Creative Principle of Evolution & Grace the Driving Force in Harmony with Cosmic Law - How can kinship of existence being the core of matriarchal spirituality be ignored and ridiculed over hundreds of years whereas at the same time people are supposed to believe in impossibilities like a God's son personally walking on water or the transformation of wine into blood which even is being consumed like in cannibalism or miraculous multiplication of money by the system of compound interest tied to the illusion of boundless growth? - Read the entire text: New World Order? - Questions, Consequences, Prospects - Despite the publicly professed values and ethical standards, the world is deteriorating at different levels. The individual often feels stranded at the mercy of the designing powers. The confrontation with eco-social decline and dehumanisation could help us to refocus on humane common ground as hope may arise to jointly arrest this deterioration. This refocusing purposes to liberate revolutionary imagination, which is still unthinkable to many people because of the one-sidedness of traditional world-views and mainstream conceptions. On the other hand, re-focusing entails emotional harmony within human community and could curb world-wide systematic terror against people and environment. - Read the entire text: Navigating towards the Destiny of Human Life, Basics of a Safe Orientation System - Emergence of life on earth is being described as a reaction to cosmic effects. Induced by radiant information from space Nature develops itself within an overall interdependend network of interconnectedness of eternal being of Gaia. Due to freedom of thought and action the development of humankind carries a conflict - the disturbing potentials are being disclosed. In a world of existential threats against basics of life and its relations result clear alternatives. - Read the entire text: TRANSPARENCY & TRANSCENDENCE, KEYS TO PEACE, Path of Life or - Wrong Track, We always have the Choice between Orientation and Misdirection, between Original and Substitute - 'Privatisation' as a remedy of Neoliberalism - alleged universal and without alternative - is more than an intentional deception of the public. 'Privatised' public goods under no circumstances get into private hands. They enrich global corporations, which do write their own 'law'. They leave behind democratically controlled areas of law and lose their orientation at the common good. Global Players use their monopolistic position for plundering the planet which even is protected legally. Neoliberalism is nothing but a global raid of the powerful with the undeniable goal of trying to expropriate life itself. - Read the entire text: DECLARATION OF A FRIENDLY WORLD - More and more people perceive the urgent necessity to intensify a broad inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue. Urgently we do need a focussing and mediating access to the topic violence. An access which transcends traditional mental borders will definitely expose an overwhelming spirit of love beyond any dogma and vitalize the intellectual and spiritual world of ideas. Such a vitalization will lead to a kind of re-birthing of human existence - to an existence beyond violence. - Read the entire text: Hiroshima, 911, Bali, Iraq, Palestine, Madrid, Moscow, Darfur, Beslan, London - About the Urgent Necessity to Intensify a Broad Inter-Cultural and Inter-Religious Dialogue - Since ages in many cultures the meander is a well-known symbol of the succession of generations. By focussing on its corners we discover the molecular structure of the hereditary substance known as DNA. Beyond the well-known analogy of meander and DNA in terms of meaning the design refers to a hidden structural analogy. Since the scientific discovery of the molecular structure of DNA a few decades ago the 'hidden information' of the meander became comprehensible. From where however did the ancient people have their knowledge? - Read the entire text: World-view and thought, which preserves nature's wealth for all - 5 Cornerstones of a Responsible World-View - EASTER - Celebration of Resurrection? What for and why? - Read the entire text: Easter - WHITSUNTIDE - Celebration of Mental Orientation? Of Unifying Vision? Or.... only another delightful holiday weekend? Leisure time with ring riding, riflemen's meeting, fair? Spreading holy spirit over the young, does this today still mean something for us? Traditions with which sense? - Read the entire text: Whitsuntide - If you can convince us that your ideas are justified by the Koran, then we will join you in your struggle,' Judge Hamoud al-Hitar from Yemen told the imprisoned Al Qaeda militants. 'But if we succeed in convincing you of our ideas, then you must agree to renounce violence.' The prisoners eagerly agreed. Western anti-terrorism experts warned that this high-stakes gamble would end in disaster. - Read the entire text: COMMON SENSE GROWS FROM RESONANCE ON COMMON GROUND, A Story from the East and its Inherent Liberating Message to the World, Oriental Lesson: Al Qaeda and the Wise Judges - Living Humanism is authentically transformed energy of life, - information of life which is transformed into creative human spirit thus harmonizing noosphere, the global sphere of ideas. Right Livelihood is the human expression of authentic understanding and resonant action within the global community of life. - This analysis focusses on misleading identification, identification with concepts of life which are still incomplete and premature. - Read the entire text: Living Humanism - Right Livelihood - Global Communion - Correct answers to the challenges of history and present are needed. Only authentic answers to current questions will ensure peace since long desired. For many indigenous peoples responsibility for life has been and still is cultural heritage. People who live close to nature always know that human activity has widely spread consequences. That is why such cultures focus on a minimum disturbance of natural circles and relations. - Read the entire text: Consonance with Nature = Responsibility for Life, An equation with a long overdue solution - "War on terror" is a war against the globally growing and networking resistance and its answers to the threats of corporate globalisation which no longer can be ignored. This resistance and even more the creative alternatives which are born from it are life saving. The more obvious the wrong direction of the powers of domination and exploitation discloses itself, the more radically destructive they react. This is part of their history and identity, part of the worldview which they created and to which they are ready to sacrifice reality. - Read the entire text: Communion: Global Cooperation YES! Globalisation NO! Resistance alone is not sufficiently effective to promote a paradigm shift. - Faith systems may work like filters of perception. Within cultures which are shaped by faith sytstems authentic reality of life hardly passes into the brains of people. As a consequence they suffer from lack of reality, even from loss of reality. Nevertheless they feel completely comfortable within the frames of their deceptive world views, they believe to be rightful and make use of their political power to maintain the produced inclinations. They perpetuate and worsen the normality of stupidity and insanity. They get lost within man made realities. - Read the entire text: Response to Daily Global Terror - The crux within pyramidal social systems is that the predominant ideology and class more or less effectively cuts off direct perception of instantaneous and authentic value of reality consequently causing social dysfunction by loss of reality. As a replacement for reality mainstream normality is coined predominantly according to the interests of those at the top of the pyramid. - Read the entire text: Towards a Humane Society, VISION: Resetting the Mental Spheres, Elimination of Superstition and other Deficient Concepts by Spiritual Interference with Authentic Information, Interactive Meditation - Chance for Personal Transformation, for Liberation and Healing of the Mind - Why on the one hand do we react with such a warm-hearted solidarity after the recent tsunami and why, on the other, do we hardly react to the devastating effects of war, world economic disorder and modern way of life? What is it that keeps us from vigorously striving to overcome poverty and global injustice? - Read the entire text: International Solidarity, The Tsunami's Lesson PDF-Versions: To Be Human, New World Order?, GAIA "The Revolutionary Character" by Erich Fromm Communion - Indigenous Wisdom - - Timeless Guidance - The wolf
representing Life & Freedom
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